class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Interactive Elements Slides Template ] .author[ ### S. Mason Garrison ] --- class: middle # Your Turn .your-turn[ - On Github, download the assignment called `AE01a - UN Votes`. - In the Files pane in the bottom right corner, spot the file called `unvotes.Rmd`. Open it, and then click on the "Knit" button. - Go back to the file and change your name on top (in the `yaml` -- we'll talk about what this means later) and knit again. - Change the country names to those you're interested in. Your spelling and capitalization should match how the countries appear in the data, so take a peek at the Appendix to confirm spelling. Knit again. Voila, your first data visualization! ] --- # Question Slide .question[ What does it mean for a data analysis to be "reproducible"? ] -- Near-term goals: - Are the tables and figures reproducible from the code and data? - Does the code actually do what you think it does? - In addition to what was done, is it clear **why** it was done? (e.g., how were parameter settings chosen?) -- Long-term goals: - Can the code be used for other data? - Can you extend the code to do other things? --- # Tip Slide .tip[ When working in an R Markdown document, your analysis is re-run each time you knit. If web scraping in an R Markdown document, you'd be re-scraping the data each time you knit, which is undesirable (and not *nice*)! An alternative workflow: - Use an R script to save your code - Save interim data scraped using the code in the script as CSV or RDS files - Use the saved data in your analysis in your R Markdown document ] --- # FAQ Slide .question[ Q: What programming language will we use in this course? ] .answer[ A: We will be using R in this course. R is a powerful language for statistical computing and graphics, widely used in data science and research. ] -- .question[ Q: Do I need prior programming experience? ] .answer[ A: No prior programming experience is required. We'll start from the basics and build up your skills throughout the course. ] --- # Interactive Poll .large[ What's your primary goal for taking this course? ] - [ ] Learn data analysis skills - [ ] Improve programming abilities - [ ] Understand statistical concepts better - [ ] Apply data science to my field - [ ] Other (please specify in the chat) *Please raise your hand or use the reaction feature to indicate your choice.* --- # Think-Pair-Share 1. **Think** (1 minute): Reflect on the following question: .question[ What's the most interesting data analysis you've seen recently? ] 2. **Pair** (2 minutes): Turn to your neighbor and discuss your thoughts. 3. **Share** (5 minutes): We'll hear from several pairs about their discussions. --- # Q&A Session .large[ Now it's your turn to ask questions! ] - Raise your hand or type in the chat to ask a question - We'll take questions for the next 10 minutes - If we don't get to your question, please email me or ask during office hours --- # Discussion .large[ Let's discuss the ethical implications of data science. ] Consider these questions: 1. What responsibilities do data scientists have? 2. How can we ensure privacy in the age of big data? 3. What are potential negative consequences of data-driven decision making? We'll break into small groups for 10 minutes, then come back for a full-class discussion. ```