class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # High Performance Data Science
🚀 ] .author[ ### S. Mason Garrison ] --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank">Data Science for Psychologists</a> </span> </div> --- class: middle # When Data Gets Big... --- ## What happens when we try this? ``` r # Read 10GB of Twitter data tweets <- read_csv("twitter_dataset.csv") # Train model on full Netflix dataset netflix_model <- randomForest(rating ~ ., data=netflix_full) # Cross validate with 1000 iterations cv_results <- train(price ~ ., data=housing, method="rf", trControl=trainControl(number=1000)) ``` -- .large[ Your laptop: `Error: cannot allocate vector of size 10 GB` ] --- ## Why do we need more computing power? - <i class="fa fa-database fa"></i> + <i class="fa fa-laptop fa"></i> = `Error: cannot allocate vector` -- - <i class="fa fa-clock fa"></i> + <i class="fa fa-laptop fa"></i> = `Still running...` -- - <i class="fa fa-brain fa"></i> + <i class="fa fa-laptop fa"></i> = `System has run out of memory` -- <br> <br> .large[ Data science today involves datasets and models that are too big for your laptop. Let's learn how to scale up! ] --- ## Real Example: Image Classification .pull-left[ On a laptop: ```python # Training ResNet50 on ImageNet # 14 million images # Memory Error! ``` On DEAC: ```python # Same model # 32 GPUs available # 80GB GPU memory each # ~100x faster training ``` ] .pull-right[ ] --- class: middle # Wrapping up... Why HPC? --- class: middle # Meet DEAC --- ## Computing Resources ### Processing Power .pull-left[ - CPU cores - First iPhone: 1 core - Your laptop: 4-8 cores - My laptop: 24 cores (Which is a silly amount) - DEAC: 5,312 cores and up to 48 cores/job ].pull-right[ - GPUs - First iPhone: 0 GPUs - Your laptop: 1 GPU (embedded in your CPU) - My laptop: 1 GPU (Which is a silly amount) - DEAC: 32 NVIDIA A100/V100 GPUs - 80GB memory each - CUDA 11.x support ] --- ### Memory & Storage .pull-left[ - Total RAM - First iPhone: 128 MB - Your laptop: 8-16 GB - My laptop: 128 GB (Which is a silly amount) - DEAC: 41 TB and up to 256 GB/job ].pull-right[ - Total Storage - First iPhone: 4 GB (or 16GB if you splurged) - Your laptop: 256 GB - My laptop: 3 TB (Which is a silly amount) - DEAC: 280 TB - Fast parallel filesystem - Automatic backups ] --- ## Data Science Software .pull-left[ ### R Environment - RStudio Server - Full tidyverse - data.table - Parallel backends - GPU libraries ] .pull-right[ ### Python Tools - JupyterLab - pandas, numpy, scipy - scikit-learn - PyTorch, TensorFlow - dask for parallel ] --- .your-turn[ Let's explore what's available: 1. Go to 2. Look at "Interactive Apps" 3. Compare the different R/Python options 4. What resources can you request? ] --- class: middle # Getting Started --- ## Accessing DEAC .pull-left[ ### OnDemand Portal 1. 2. WFU credentials 3. No SSH/terminal needed 4. Works from any browser ] .pull-right[ .question[ Which interface should you choose? ] - RStudio Server: R analysis - JupyterLab: Python/R - VS Code: General coding ] --- ## Let's Launch RStudio .pull-left[ 1. Click "Interactive Apps" 2. Choose "RStudio Server" 3. Set resources: - Number of cores - Memory needed - Time required 4. Launch! ] .pull-right[ ] --- .your-turn[ Start your first DEAC session: 1. Launch RStudio Server 2. Request: - 4 cores - 16 GB memory - 2 hours runtime 3. Create a new R script 4. Try loading tidyverse 5. Check available packages ] --- ## Workflow 1. User Access - Web portal (OnDemand) - Command line -- 2. Job Submission - SLURM scheduler - Resource requests -- 3. Computation - Jobs run on nodes - Results stored to disk -- 4. Data Management - Working storage - Archive options --- .your-turn[ - Log into []( - Look at available applications - Try launching a Jupyter notebook ] --- class: middle # Wrapping up... Resources --- class: middle # Getting Started --- ## First steps .pull-left[ 1. Request account 2. Attend training 3. Test connection 4. Run sample job ] .pull-right[ ``` r # Sample SLURM job #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 echo "Hello from DEAC!" ``` ] --- class: middle # Parallel Processing --- ## Running in Parallel .pull-left[ ### Basic Example ``` r # Sequential result <- lapply(1:100, slow_fn) # Parallel library(parallel) cores <- detectCores() result <- mclapply(1:100, slow_fn, mc.cores = cores) ``` ] .pull-right[ ### With tidyverse ``` r library(furrr) plan(multicore, workers = availableCores()) result <- 1:100 %>% future_map(slow_fn) ``` ] --- ## Real Example: Cross Validation ``` r # Set up parallel backend library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()) registerDoParallel(cl) # Now caret uses all cores model <- train( price ~ ., data = housing, method = "rf", trControl = trainControl( method = "cv", number = 10 ) ) stopCluster(cl) ``` --- .your-turn[ Try parallel processing: ``` r # Create test function slow_square <- function(x) { Sys.sleep(0.1) # Simulate work return(x^2) } # Compare runtimes: # Sequential system.time(lapply(1:100, slow_square)) # Parallel library(parallel) system.time( mclapply(1:100, slow_square, mc.cores = detectCores()) ) ``` ] --- class: middle # Wrapping up... Parallel Processing --- # SLURM Basics --- # Login and Compute Steps in the DEAC Workflow: 1. User Access 2. Scheduler 3. Network 4. Compute --- # What is SLURM? - SLURM is the brain of the cluster. Provides two vital parts: 1. "Resource Manager" - Knows WHAT hardware resources are available. 2. "Scheduler" - Tells WHO (job) to run WHERE (resources). - Considers priority and fairshare for WHEN to run. --- # What is a Job? - A “job” is essentially any computational task. - Computational tasks take time to complete. - Tasks also utilize some level of CPU processing and consume memory or RAM. - How many CPUs and how much RAM does your computer have? - How does that compare to a $12,000 server? --- # What Info Does SLURM Need? SLURM assigns resources to jobs. Users request resources from SLURM: 1. Number of Nodes 2. Number of CPU cores 3. Amount of Memory (RAM) 4. Amount of time you need these resources. 5. Other constraints your job requires. --- # Assigning Resources - SLURM looks at all compute nodes to see which compute nodes can support the resource requests from a job. - Compute nodes can support multiple jobs without individual jobs needing to share (or fight over) resources. - If the resources needed to support a job aren’t available, SLURM will put the job in a queue. - Jobs in the queue are assigned a priority and scheduled once running jobs complete and relinquish resources. --- # Partitions | Name | Nodes | Time | Priority | |----------|-------------|------------|------------------| | Small | 1 node | <=1 Day | Highest Priority | | Large | <=16 nodes | <=180 Days | Low Priority | | Debug | 1 node | <=1 Hour | Highest Priority | --- # Submitting a Job Example SLURM job script: ```bash #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name="MyFirstJob" #SBATCH --partition=small #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --mem=8GB #SBATCH --time=00-00:05:00 # DD-HH:MM:SS # Go to the assigned scratch directory cd /scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID # Here is a command to identify the node name hostname # Here is a command to print your working directory pwd ``` --- # Submitting a Job (cont.) If your SLURM script is named “MyFirstJob.slurm” then submit your job to the scheduler with: ```bash sbatch MyFirstJob.slurm ``` --- # Useful SLURM Commands 1. Get basic information about the cluster: ```bash sinfo ``` 2. See detailed information about which nodes are currently IDLE: ```bash sinfo -Nel -p small -t idle ``` 3. See which jobs are running (for your username): ```bash squeue [-u $USER] squeue --me ``` 4. Detailed job information: ```bash scontrol show job JOBID ``` --- # Job States - **RUNNING** - Running jobs are assigned to a compute node and are assigned resources. Running jobs will continue to run until they complete, exceed time requested, or fail. - **PENDING** - Pending jobs are in the queue and awaiting resources. - **FAILED** - Failed jobs end prematurely, and can fail for a multitude of reasons. --- # Sharing Nodes and Core Locality - You can ensure the CPU cores assigned to your job exist on the same CPU socket by using the option --ntasks-per-socket. Pass the following information: - `-N 1` Number of nodes - `-n 22` Number of cores - `--ntasks-per-socket=22` Number of cores per socket. The values for n and ntasks-per-socket should be equal, and the total value for n should not exceed half of the CPU cores on a compute node (32 or 24). ---