104 Media without a home yet

104.2 Visualizing Linear Models: An R Bag of Tricks

104.3 For new programmers learning keyboard shortcuts


104.4 Are you a student? If yes, this is the best data science project for you

104.5 rstudio is magic

104.6 automation quote

104.7 How computer memory works

104.8 Is Coding a Math Skill or a Language Skill? Neither? Both?

104.9 Quantum Computers Explained

104.10 The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time

104.11 Emergence – How Stupid Things Become Smart Together

104.12 How not to ask for help

104.13 The Birthday Paradox

104.14 Why can’t you divide by zero?

104.15 Yea he’s chewing up my stats homework but that face though

Yea he’s chewing up my stats homework but that face though… from r/CatsBeingCats

104.16 Coding Kitty


104.17 Democratic databases: science on GitHub

Nature:Democratic databases: science on GitHub” (Perkel, 2016).

104.18 Ten simple rules for getting started on Twitter as a scientist

