98 Shiny Resources
Shiny is a very popular package and has lots of resources on the web. Here’s a compiled list of a few resources I recommend, which are all fairly easy to read and understand.
- Shiny official website
- Shiny official tutorial
- Shiny cheatsheet
- Lots of short useful articles about different topics in Shiny - highly recommended
- Shiny in R Markdown
- Get help from the Shiny Google group or StackOverflow
- Publish your apps for free with shinyapps.io
- Host your app on your own Shiny server
- Learn about how reactivity works
- Learn about useful debugging techniques
98.1 Awesome add-on packages to Shiny
Many people have written packages that enhance Shiny in some way or add extra functionality. Here is a list of several popular packages that people often use together with Shiny:
- shinythemes - Easily alter the appearance of your app (cran).
- shinyjs - Enhance user experience in Shiny apps using JavaScript functions without knowing JavaScript (cran; GitHub).
- leaflet - Add interactive maps to your apps (cran; GitHub).
- ggvis - Similar to ggplot2, but the plots are focused on being web-based and more interactive (cran).
- shinydashboard - Gives you tools to create visual “dashboards” (cran; GitHub).